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Technical Documentation Analyst

Happy as sun shine! Happy as a chirping bird! Happy as a wave in sea! Happy as moonlight!

Most of us become metaphorical when we see nature! We want to be one of them. We want to be someone like them!

I love the first ray of sun. It's pure. Golden! Vibrant and energetic. Motivates us to wake up, go past past, and make your day.

Then comes the lovely tiny chirping creatures! They just fill your ears with joy. Their nonstop chirping makes you feel you are not alone on this earth! You are accompanied by these birds who would soon fly away. Yet, they make you feel they are with you forever.

Even though, I haven't lived at sea shores or cities with beautiful beaches, I have still experienced the free flowing nature of waves in the sea. The sound they make, the pleasure of them touching your feet, when they make you feel they have waved across the ocean just for you - This is awesome!

The moonlight! When the light emits from moon, it's way whiter than any tube light. So many times, I have experienced the moonlight flowing through my bedroom window. As night sets in quietly, the pollution fades away and gives way to the moonlight, especially on the full moon day. This is one light that accelerates my sleep. I love the ambiance on any full moon night.

When we come across these natural occurrences, we want to be one of them. We want to feel what it is like to be one of these! These are the natural sources of happiness for me.

For some, these can soon turn into a scorching heat, a headache, unwanted wetness, and a disturbance in their sleep!

Hence, happiness has different definition for each of us.

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