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Technical Documentation Analyst

Adjusting with absence

Everybody is destined to meet. Whoever you meet in the course of life was/is supposed to meet. The reason, the duration, the way they entered in your life, and the way the exited from your life - everything is already planned and destined. I believe, everything is replaceable. There is nothing in the world except few relationships that cannot be replaced. You may not find an exact match/replacement, but shall surely adjust easily.

The most number of people we meet is at work. Your professional journey has the highest number of footprints. Out of these, few leave their golden footprints on the sands of time! Just like you, I have also met a lot of people in my professional career. I have worked with many companies before I joined this company back in November 2008. However, this journey has been the longest so far. 6 years-and-still-going is not a small period. I've put down my papers and now I'm only few more days away to be an ex-employee!

In this course of time, I have made some really very-very good friends, which I never thought I'll ever get so close to them. Veena and Hetal have been really very close to me at work. Hetal is away on her maternity leave past 6 months, so it's mostly Veena and I that keep each other's company. When I disclosed my resignation news to Veena, her reaction was silent yet very loud. It contained eyes full of tears and a huge question mark on her face that kept asking "Why did you resign when you actually need the job". More than the need to know the reason behind resignation, her eyes conveyed the empty space that she'll soon have after I'll be gone. A reaction of you-are-not-replaceable really makes you feel you are very special and make you believe that there are still some people in this world who thinks your presence is needed in their life. 

However, it's a reaction that will phase out with time. When I will not be seen in the office, the reaction will subside. She'll adjust with my absence automatically. Of course, this no way means that she'll forget me or not remember me, but it only means that sometimes our reactions force us to be unhappy. And, it's very natural.

Before I met her, I too had a lot of friends with whom I used to spend time at work. When they left the organisation, I had reacted almost in a similar way. But then they were soon replaced by some other people, and those some other people were soon replaced by Veena and Hetal, and vice-versa!

What works here is the simple concept of 'Out of sight, out of mind'. When you stop seeing a person for a while, the image starts fading automatically. This doesn't mean that person no longer is your friend or not being remembered by you. It's only the adjustment that occurs in the background without your knowledge.

When you learn different ways of accepting changes, you explore the more-of-you. You know your capacity and that takes you very far. People walk in and walk out of our lives, regardless with or without knowledge. And, every time such thing occurs, you react, and then you adjust. And, it makes you more stronger.

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Veena, Hetal, if it's going to be hard for you, it's going to be harder for me. The time spent at breakfast, lunch, and snacks, will always be cherished. The pings on Skype will always be missed. Making faces whenever Veena ends up asking clarification on the simplest communication, will always bring smile on my face. And, the first time when Veena showed us the multi-touch feature of her Samsung Galaxy phone will make me laugh loud! Those knowledge-sharing-sessions on parenting will always make me feel that I'm older than you :) :)

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