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Technical Documentation Analyst

Ok! Friends, Mamma? Friends?

Friends, when used as verb creates magic. Tenders all the odds. Resolves most of the problems. Melts you like an ice-cream. When used at the right time, and most important, by the right person, it always creates wonders. Heals all the bad thoughts and soothes you from core. 

My 8-year old daughter, Aahana, never forgets to say "Friends, Mamaa...Friends?" As a kid, she is bound to do wrong things, misbehave at times, and irritate us by silly questions. It's normal. Any kid does that and so does she. As a mother, I am bound to be angry, express wrongly, and act dramatic. It's normal. Any mother does that and so do I :(

The trick that works between us is a magical verb, Friends! She ensures she says "Friends, Mamma?" before she says "Sorry, Mamma". She thinks, one needs to be friends first so that it becomes easier for the other person to forgive ones mistakes. She'll always come with an angelic smile and ask me to be friend with her. Later, apologize. 

On my part, there is nothing more than this act of hers that makes me feel guilty for being rude to her. There is an unsaid apology that runs within me at that moment. Things that I would have chosen to say in a louder voice automatically find the correct tone. The understanding that needs to be imparted by me finds a better way. Words that shouldn't have been said make me justify and apologize to her. 

Kids are god's own people. We as grownups lose manners with course of time. Such acts teach us patience and pour calmness. Our bad behaviors hurt them more than any scratch on their knees! Such rude behaviors from our side are poignant reminders for them. However, it's their unconditional love that ensures things close correctly. They do not have a routine or a set responsibility, and thus, they have more time to worry and think over and over again on our reactions. 

My daughter is my good old teacher, who finds patience every time I lose one!

I hope and pray, I get to hear "Ok, Friends, Mamma? Friends?" even after she matures and I grow old :) Regardless of whatever state of life I may be in, I would die for these words :)